tailieunhanh - ENGLISH-LATIN DICTIONARY - part 7
Tham khảo tài liệu 'english-latin dictionary - part 7', ngoại ngữ, anh văn thương mại phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | to draw out draw on produce recall to the colors evoco to draw out lead out march out bring up rear issue educo to draw out rpotact defer make known protraho protractus to draw over cover lead against pass spend obduco to draw together bind up substringo to draw together tighten compress compact adstringo to draw up instruo to draw shape construct time spend delay duco to dread paveo to dream acc somnio to drench perfundo to drink up suck in combibo to drink quaff bibo to drive against strike upon impello to drive away thrust out exturbo to drive back repel repello to drive before one drive away propello to drive off drive away rustle cattle steal abigo to drive out expel force out banish expello expuli expulsum to drive out extrudo to drive together collect force compel compello to drive beset urge urgeo to drive move towards passive to land appello to dwell abide habito to earn promereor to earnestly request deposco to eat breakfast iento to eat breakfast iento to eat greedily swallow up consume gorge oneself voro to eat lunch prandio to eat up consume waste squander comedo comedi comesum to eat consume devour waste edo edi essum to effect perform patro to eject expello to elect eligo to elevate surpass excello to embark conscendo navem to embellish honesto to embrace surround amplector to embrace take firmly include seize comprehendo to emerge appear exist be exsisto to emerge be happen take place exsisto to encounter meet obvio to encourage incite exhort cohortor to encourage exhorto to endeavor nitor to endure undergo perfero pertulit to endure perpetior to enfeeble resolvo to engender beget genero to engender bring forth progigno progenui progenitum to engrave insigno to enjoin indico to enjoy delight in use fruor to enlarge accumulate exaggero to enlarge extend delay postpone profero to enlarge increase improve amplio to enlarge lengthen extend put off defer prolato to enrich endow make wealthy dito to enrich make wealthy dito to enrich make wealthy .
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