Thứ nhất, phim ảnh có thể phản ánh lịch sử của một contry. Dựa trên nền lịch sử khác nhau, phim ảnh có thể cung cấp cho chúng ta rất nhiều thông tin về quá khứ của một quốc gia. Đối với những người có kiến thức nền tảng lịch sử, họ có thể có một sự hiểu biết tốt hơn về bộ phim | TWE Essays 262 292 Firstly movies can reflect a contry s history. Based on different historical backgrounds movies can give us a lot of information about a country s past. For those who have the background historical knowledge they can have a better understanding about the movie while for those who have little knowledge about the history can start to know it from the movie they are watching. For example many historical movies focus on a certain period of the history. Obviously each country has a totally different history. Thus by wathching these movies we will know more about other countries history which will help us increase our knowledge and understanding about other countries. Furthermore movies can show different social and cultural enviroment and various customs which attract many moviegoers. Although people have more and more chances to travel abroad to see the world this is not always the case for everyone. Movies give us a convenient way to know more about the outside world. From movies we get to know that toast cab mean different thing to different countries such as good luck to Americans bad luck to Hungarians. From movies we get to know how Americans live and what food they eat which bring us closer to the world even when we stay at home. Finally by wathching movies we may know other people s attitudes and ideas towards life. Sometimes we may feel depressed or frustrated just because of some small problems in our lives. We alway feel pessimistic toward life but from movies we know Americans are optimistic towards their lives even in bad situations. Their attitudes will definitely change our ideas and make us cherish the life. What s more we may know Americans like to take risks while Frenches like a relaxed life and Italians like romance. In short movies are like encyclopedias which can give us much knowledge about other nations we may have no chances to go. Thus we should encourage people to watch more good movies to know the world better. Essay ID .