Most projects are completed with a panic rush and midnight working as the deadline for delivery approaches. Setting intermediate deadlines, with “deliverables” – completed parts of a project that have to be delivered to the project sponsor – can reduce the last minute rush to manageable proportions. It’s a good idea to make the regular review meetings coincide with a deliverable. ”In the process of change, as in any other process, each step must be taken in turn. To attempt step two before completing step one is like trying to wax your car before you have washed it. The result will not be pretty.” . | Planning and Management Tools A reference book Liza Groenendijk Contributing author Emile Dopheide Cover illustration Paul Klee Twins 1930 . Oil painting. 60 5 x 50 5 cm. Hartford Conn. . coll. T. Kneeland. In Spiller J. 1962 . Paul Klee. Zwarte Beertjes 442. . Bruna Zoon Utrecht. Reproduction rights SABAM Brussels. Cover page design Andries Menning Published by The International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation ITC Hengelosestraat 99 6 7500 AA Enschede The Netherlands CIP-GEGEVENS KONINKLIJKE BIBLIOTHEEK DEN HAAG Planning and Management Tools E. M. C. Groenendijk ITC Special Lecture Notes Series ISBN 90 6164 219 1 2003 by ITC Enschede The Netherlands PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT TOOLS Table of contents List of Figures 3 List of Tables 5 List of Boxes 7 Abbreviations 9 Preface 11 Introduction 13 Chapter 1. Problem and Objective Trees Analysis 17 Chapter 2. Logical Framework 31 Chapter 3. SWOT Analysis 43 Chapter 4. Stakeholder Analysis 55 Chapter 5. Interviews 73 Chapter 6. Workshops 95 Chapter 7. Training Needs Assessment 113 Chapter 8. Cost-Benefit Analysis 135 ITC SPECIAL LECTURE NOTES SERIES