Here’s an example A group of language schools was unhappy with its system for issuing end-of-course certificates. These tended simply to record the level of the class attended and didn’t give information about real-life communicative competence or individual progress or achievement. They had a vision of a coherent system of clearly described levels, of interesting communicative kinds of assessment recorded in a certificate which would show – in language accessible to everybody – the learners’ language competence. They planned to start the project with a questionnaire to learners to determine what their priorities were for communicative skills and to do a review of available testing materials. They were aware that it was an. | Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform First published August 2007. Crown Copyright. BeRr 8 07 NP. urn 07 1280 1 Contents Section 0 The Purpose of the Project Management Wh at is a suecessfulproject .3 Are projects different from the other work .3 Whyu tethese ididnlincs .3 Wh th ehe se i dĩíinen us cerer - and do not The project Programme and Projeut Sualing projeut management to tait yoar Using projeut management Section 1 Starting up a new The Projeut Developing a Projeut Brief to suit the projeut Defining projeut suope and Defining the Designing the Projeut Step 2 Initiating the Projeut Initiation Douament PID .22 How the Projeut Initiation Douament PID is Developing the Projeut Initiation The Basiness Stakeholder analysis and Planning the The steps in Risk management - avoiding pitfalls and managing Approving the Projeut Initiation Section 3 Running the Control - the key to a sauuessfal Creating the right environment for Breaking the projeut down into manageable SRO Projeut Board Projeut Manager s Handling signifiuant deviations from plan. 40 Handling Issaes Problems and Changing the approauh to projeut Douament version uontrol and uonfigaration management. 43 Sammary of projeut uontrols after approval of the Projeut Step 4 Closing the Projeut ulosare Step 5 Realising the The Benefits Realisation Plan. 46 Appendix A Project Management Documentation 2 Section 0 The Purpose of the Project Management Guidelines The purpose of these project management guidelines is to help you to organise plan and control your projects. They are designed to .