The perception of threat, or actual occurrence of conflict, is necessary for the initiation of conflict prevention or management measures, and hence it is essential to address the concept of conflict before exploring how to prevent and manage such occurrences. The first step is to understand what a conflict is made up by exactly. The starting point for this paper is the traditional definitions of conflicts (presented below), according to which a conflict is the result of opposing interests involving scarce resources, goal divergence and frustration. The paper then addresses more recent perceptions of the conflict concept. We. | Vloomse T7T TTJ Interuniversitúire V -Ll-tv Road uos University Development Cooperation PROJECT CYCLE MANAGEMENT PCM GENERAL vLiR-UOS MANUAL Draft of July 2002 Project Cycle Management - General VLIR Manual - Draft of July 2002 This manual represents a basic and general overview as to how the Project Cycle Management method is used in the context of the University Development Co-operation UDC initiatives of VLIR-UOS. The manual draws on both the Integrated Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework compiled by South Research and the EU Manual on Project Cycle Management In addition to this general manual the following 2 other manuals will be available in due course General Guide for the Assessment of VLIR-UOS proposals How to organise a Logical Framework Planning workshop Furthermore and specific to either the Own Initiative OI programme or the Institutional University Cooperation IUC programme 2 modules will be prepared that apply the general PCM method to specific formats of each of the UDC initiatives. As such they will be part of an overall OI or IUC manual that will be compiled and made available to all involved in due course. Brussels July 2002 Project Cycle Management - General VLIR Manual - Draft of July 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. . PCM its background and . PCM a Reference method among many . Introducing PCM in the VLIR-UOS . PCM and its benefits for project . Purpose content and use of this 2. PCM - ITS KEY PRINCIPLES AND . The concept of the project . prior to prOjEct . DURING PROJECT . AFTER PROJECT . PCM PROVIDES A LEARNING THE VLIR-UOS PROJECT CYCLE FOR OI AND . Beneficiary and stakeholder . A consistent project design using the logical framework THE LOGICAL fRaMeWORK MAtRiX. . . 13 . Attention for factors of
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