Scientific and medical research is a drawn-out process and the contribution of animal research is frequently overlooked by the time successful therapy reaches patients. We live longer and healthier lives than ever before. Whilst there have been remarkable improvements in the human environment, animal research has played a major part in developing improvements in human health. Animal research advanced the treatment of infections, helped with immunisation, improved cancer treatment and has had a major impact on managing heart disease, brain disorders, arthritis and transplantation. My own field, the prevention of genetic disorders in babies, was possible only because of humane. | LIFESTYLE MEDICINE - EVIDENCE REVIEW I Definitions and differentiation of LM and related disciplines 2 II Reimbursement trends 6 III The Current Status of Lifestyle Medicine 8 IV Evidence for Lifestyle Interventions - Treating Chronic Disease 14 V Practice Patterns Related to Lifestyle Medicine 43 VI The Need for Competence in Lifestyle Medicine 44 VII Organizations and Initiatives 46 VIII References 49 Appendix Evidence Chart 70 June 30 2009 American College of Preventive Medicine Lifestyle Medicine Review LIFESTYLE MEDICINE - EVIDENCE REVIEW I. DEFINITIONS AND DIFFERENTIATION A. DEFINITIONS OF LIFESTYLE MEDICINE There doesn t seem to be a standard definition but the available definitions are really saying basically the same thing The use of lifestyle interventions within conventional medicine to lower the risk for a number of lifestyle-related chronic diseases or if such conditions are already present to serve as an adjunct to the management plan. Current definitions include Egger 2008 The therapeutic use of lifestyle interventions in the management of disease at all levels to help manage the growing number of cases presenting to doctors now with a lifestyle-based cause of disease such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. The application of environmental behavioral medical and motivational principles to the management of lifestyle related health problems in a clinical setting. ACLM The use of lifestyle interventions in the treatment and management of disease. ALMA The therapeutic use of lifestyle interventions in the management of disease caused primarily by lifestyle. Rippe 1999 The integration of lifestyle practices into conventional medicine to lower the risk for chronic disease and if disease is already present to serve as an adjunct to therapy. Rippe Health The study and practice of how to help individuals understand that their daily habits and practices have a profound impact on their short and long term health and quality of life. ACPM Johnson Barry 2008 A .