Astronomy is the most ancient science humans have practiced on Earth. It is a science of extremes and of large numbers: extremes of time – from the big bang to infinity –, of distances, of temperatures, of density and masses, of magnetic field, etc. It is a science which is highly visible, not only because stars and planets are accessible in the sky to the multitude, but also because the telescopes themselves are easily distinguishable, usually on top of scenic mountains, and also because their cost usually represent a substantial proportion of the nation’s budget and of the tax payers contributions to that budget | As ASTROPHYSICS AND S _ SPACE SCIENCE LIBRARY ORGANIZATIONS AND STRATEGIES IN ASTRONOMY Volume 6 ANDRÉ HECK Editor Springer ORGANIZATIONS AND STRATEGIES IN ASTRONOMY 6 astrophysicsand SPACE SCIENCE LIBRARY VOLUME 335 EDITORIAL BOARD Chrnmm . BURTON National Radio Astronomy Observatory Charlottesville Virginia . bburt0R@ AniversitysfLeiden TheNethsrlands durtsn@strWilsid Executive Committee J. M. E. KUIJPERS Univeritytfdwte n The Netherlands E. p. J. VAN DUN mNLRUoioernity ofAmstarTam rtn Nntannleods HiVAN DERLAdCLU wejs O ợTUtrocAt TheNdtaarlandm MEMBERS F. BERTOLA UnivMLDnfCadua Italy J. p. ofWirsoorÌA Mddtson . c. J. CESARSKY tZStiỊnncc EoLtherd Obrnnsctrcy GtfcOmo beiMuncdsn Germany o. EdGVOOD nfOsCr Noewcsb A. HECK StradLbeurgEsYooomtent or cenỉatorm france R. McCLAY UnieuhsGd oftSoicrcTb Olr ulch i . p. G. MUI DIA D5fiOom nfslttrcfiocj ied7c 1d rG d . F. t ot omcA Gscetri Ttreoea Iibdo V. RADHAKRISDAaAa Raman Gercmrcaenttilutr K. CDY ScY ol O Naticnd DsmoHuTUniverniU Oatwac B. V. SOMOV RsConomijd l i tdelt bOorcow State fmoersityOussia R. Al Cl DE. fGOca eiei irsit It s tbuCs G rstew Smtrif Y. TANAKA CisDtuteoAEDM. i t eA ntu ihneik stirUt nTrt crt hapan s. TK E rC lt P in rỡtthtntv rIi y . N. o. ttISC S Dné .spn ofC ntK it .