Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development has been created from the merger of Agricultural Development Council (A/D/C), International Agricultural Development Service (lADS) and Winrock International Livestock Researclk and Training Center (WILRTC). Suggested citation: Gordon R. CONWAY, Agroecosystem Analysis for Research and Development. Bangkok: Winrock International, 1986. The publication and distribution of the Papers On Survey Research Methodology have been r.;ade possible by a grant to A/D/C (before its merger into Winrock International) for its Regional Research and. | AGROECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT GORDON R. CONWAY Centre for Environmental Technology Imperial College of Science and Technology London SW7 1 LƯ United Kingdom WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANGKOK WINROCK INTERNATIONAL . Box 1172 Nana Post Office Bangkok 10112 Thailand 1986 Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development has been created from the merger of Agricultural Development Council A D C International Agricultural Development Service IADS and Winrock International Livestock Research and Training Center WILRTC . Suggested citation Gordon R. CONWAY Agroecosystem Analysis for Research and Development. Bangkok Winrock International 1986. The publication and distribution of the Papers On Survey Research Methodology have been made possible by a grant to A D C before its merger into Winrock International for its Regional Research and Training Program by the Ford Foundation Jakarta Indonesia. The Ford Foundation does not review or necessarily endorse the materials chosen or the views presented. .