tailieunhanh - The Globalization of Science The Place of Agricultural Research

The last one or two decades of this century can be described in many different ways, and the direction in which we aremoving has been discussed in many different fora. However, there can be little doubt that worldwide globalization issues have been in the forefront of every discussion. Globalization means moving away from well-known, traditional structures, organizational forms, and hierarchies and entering the unknown; it means change. And just as we have seen change in the global economy, so should we also expect change in the global agricultural research system. It will not be static, but will change systematically and permanently. Flexibility and mobility will be needed,. | The Globalization of Science The Place of Agricultural Research New expanded edition Edited by Christian Bonte-Friedheim and Kathleen Sheridan New authors in this edition Christian Bonte-Friedheim Steven Tabor and Hélio Tolling William K. Gamble Kenneth F S. King Roberto L. Lenton John W. Mellor John H. Monyo G. Edward Schuh Original contributing authors Nyle C. Brady Peter Brumby Just Faaland Nasrat Fadda E. H. Hartmans H. K. Jain Emil Q. Javier M. L. Kyomo Klaus J. Lampe Nicolás Mateo John L. Nickel Vernon W. Ruttan Richard L. Sawyer M. S. Swaminathan L. D. Swindale Derek Tribe Eduardo J. Trigo Montague Yudelman September 1997 isnar International Service for National Agricultural Research Copyright 1996 1997 by the International Service for National Agricultural Research IS-NAR . All rights reserved. ISNAR encourages the fair use of this material. Proper citation is requested. Citation Bonte-Friedheim C. and K. Sheridan eds . 1997. The Globalization of Science The Place of Agricultural Research. New expanded edition. The Hague International Service for National Agricultural Research. AGROVOC Descriptors agriculture research food production food security sustainability international cooperation CABI Descriptors agricultural research food production food security sustainability international cooperation ISBN .