tailieunhanh - The Department of Human Services State of Hawaii NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30,2008_part6
Để cải thiện tính chính xác của các summllY để 8chedure, Fl_ Quản lý Oftlce Pre-Kiểm toán Nhân viên wlfl fncteatlng ngẫu nhiên apptOXlmatety rMwto 15% của 2, OOO-cộng với nhân viên 1'8COfd1. Được thành lập pracedu requfre rằng re8POI'I8lb1Q empCoyee duy trì reCOfds nghỉ complte và xem xét thelnfGmlFltlon nGedGd! ngói lịch tóm tắt để lại | leave records to ensure that vacation and sick leave records are accurately maintained on a timely basis. Corrective Action Taken or Planned To improve the accuracy of the summary leave schedule the Fiscal Management Office Pre-Audit staff will be Increasing Ha random review to approximately 15 of the 2 000-plus employee records. Established procedures require that the employee responsible tor maintaining the leave records to compile and review the information needed for the summary leave schedule. The appropriate supervisor Is also required to review and sign the worksheet to valdate Ito completeness and accuracy. DHS will continue to Insure procedures regarding the approval process of leave request are incompliance with appropriate collective bargaining unit agreements and policies and procedures. DHS will continue random audits of eave records training of staff personnel assigned the duties of maintaining the leave records and training of supervisory personnel of leave records. Start Date Ongoing End Date Ongoing Responding rwiSQllSK Botes Uehara FMO Pre-Audft Staff Supervisor Phone SOB 586-5020 and Biwin Nose Personnel Officer Phone 808 586-4951 Ref. no. 200MB Maintain Procurement Fllee Properly Auditor s Recommendation We recommend that prior to contractor acceptance the DHS Implement a review process to ensure procurement files contain all documentation as required by state and federal procurement statutes. Corrective Action Taken or Planned 1 The process for MOD proposal review and acceptance is being reviewed and adapted. 2. Changes to the process tor proposal review include a. At the start of the procurement process an electronic file for that procurement wM be seated by the Finance Office on a secure drive. b. Electronic files for each aspect of the procurement will be stored In the electronic file RFI RFP Proposal submission documentation that supports contractor selection or rejection and a copy of the executed contract. Only staff members that need .
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