tailieunhanh - HTML cơ bản - p 3

4 Chapter 1: HTML and the Web Links are defined in HTML. This ability to have active references in a document to other documents, no matter where they are physically located, is very powerful. All of the Web’s resources are addressable using a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Any information can be easily located and linked with related content, creating frictionless connectivity. The Web hosts many protocols and practices, but HTML is the foundation, providing the basic language to mark up text content into a structured document by describing the roles and attributes of its various elements. A companion technology, Cascading Style Sheets. | 4 Chapter i HTML and the Web Links are defined in HTML. This ability to have active references in a document to other documents no matter where they are physically located is very powerful. All of the Web s resources are addressable using a Uniform Resource Locator URL . Any information can be easily located and linked with related content creating frictionless connectivity. The Web hosts many protocols and practices but HTML is the foundation providing the basic language to mark up text content into a structured document by describing the roles and attributes of its various elements. A companion technology Cascading Style Sheets CSS lets you select document elements and apply styling rules for presentation. CSS rules can be mixed into the HTML code or can reside in external files that can be employed across an entire website. This keeps content creators and site designers from stepping all over each other s work. HTML describes the page s content elements and CSS tells the browser how they should look or sound. The browser can override the CSS instructions or ignore them. Example creates a very simple web page. You can copy this HTML code into a plain text file on your computer and open it in any browser. Give it a filename ending in the extension .html. Example HTML for a very simple web page DOCTYPE html html head title Example title style type text css h1 text-align center style head body h1 Hello World Wide Web h1 p Welcome to the first of many webpages. I promise they will get more interesting than this. p body html From the Library of Wow eBook HTML The Language of the Web 5 The code in Example shown in boldface consists of two parts a document body containing the page s content preceded by a head section that contains information about the document. In this example the head section contains the document s title and a CSS style rule to center the page s heading. The body consists of a level 1 heading followed by a paragraph. The result should