tailieunhanh - Anh văn lớp 7 - Unit seven: The world of work. A/ Students’ work. ( A2+ A3 )

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension throught a letter and practice listening. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, celebrate. 2, Structures: Present simple tense and comparative of adjectives. III/ Teaching aids. Make a plan. Prepare a letter in Viet Nam and some pictures of public holiday. | Unit seven The world of work. A Students work. A2 A3 I Objectives. By the end of the lesson the students will be able to read for comprehension throught a letter and practice listening. II Language contents. 1 Vocabulary Easter Christmas Thanksgiving celebrate. 2 Structures Present simple tense and comparative of adjectives. III Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a letter in Viet Nam and some pictures of public holiday. IV Teaching procedures. Stages Teacher s activities Students activities 1 Warm up @Make questions for students -What do usually do during vacation -If you don t visit your uncle what you will do -Will you write a letter Use the letter to introduce the lesson. Listen to and answer the teacher s questions. Look at books and tell about a letter. 2 Presentation Ask students to look at it this is a letter from American and it is a letter from Viet Nam. @Ask students to answer the questions -Who wrote this letter -Who did he write this letter -In your opinion what is the letter about Now you read this letter and answer this question. Have students read the letter and go around the class to help the students. Give the meaning of these words -hear find celebrate Easter Thanksgiving Christmas like doing. Call some students to read the letter. Teacher listen and corrects their mistakes if they have. @Have the students work in pairs by asking and answering these questions. Look at this letter and answer the questions -Tim wrote this letter. -He wrote this letter to Hoa. Students can guess Read this letter. Read these new words and write them. Practice in front of the class. Work in pairs. 3 Practice. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Give the correct answers -Summer vacation is the longest in America. -During his vacation Tim spends time with his family. -Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American students. Can you name American vacations that you have just learnt. Now you look at these pictures and talk about them. you can answer .