hành động, và liều lượng, 504-505 Betoptic (betaxolol, mắt), chỉ, hành động, và liều lượng, 504 Biaxin (clarithromycin) chỉ hành động, và liều lượng, 517 cho bán cấpdự phòng viêm nội tâm mạc do vi khuẩn, 158t bicalutamide (Casodex), chỉ, hành động, liều lượng, | Index 669 Bethanechol Duvoid Urecholine indications actions and dosage of 504-505 Betoptic betaxolol ophthalmic indications actions and dosage of 504 Biaxin clarithromycin indications actions and dosage of 517 for subacute bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis 158r Bicalutamide Casodex indications actions and dosage of 505 Bicarbonate. See also Potassium bicarbonate Sodium bicarbonate laboratory diagnosis and 59 61-62 Bicillin penicillin G benzathine indications actions and dosage of 586 Bicitra sodium citrate indications actions and dosage of 602 BiCNU carmustine indications actions and dosage of 510 BIDA-scans 334 Bigeminy 375 377f Bile loss IV fluid replacement with 179 Bilirubin neonatal laboratory diagnosis and 59 in urine 111 Biopsy of skin 302 Biotin in total parenteral nutrition 231t Biot s breathing 24 Bisacodyl Dulcolax indications actions and dosage of 505 Bisferious pulse 24 Bismuth subsalicylate Pepto-Bismol indications actions and dosage of 505 Bisoprolol Zebeta indications actions and dosage of 505 Bite wound human and animal infections organisms responsible and empiric therapy for 142t Bitolterol Tornalate indications actions and dosage of 505 Bitot s spots 24 Bladder aspiration suprapubic percutaneous 309 310f Bladder cancer staging of 650-651 Bladder catheterization 306-308 contraindications to 306 indications for 306 materials for 307 307f procedure for 307-308 Blastomycosis systemic drugs for treating 151t Bleeding scans 333 Bleeding time 105 Bleomycin sulfate Blenoxane indications actions and dosage of 505-506 Bleph-10 sulfacetamide indications actions and dosage of 605 Blephamide sulfacetamide prednisolone indications actions and dosage of 605 Blocadren timolol indications actions and dosage of 610 Blood in urine 111 Blood alcohol laboratory diagnosis and 67 Blood and body fluid precautions 155 Blood collection 95 heelstick for 274 275f venipuncture for 309-314 Blood component therapy 193-204 apheresis for 194 autologous blood donation for .
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