tailieunhanh - Introduction to Medical Immunology - part 8

miễn dịch tế bào và ức chế sự sao chép virus 26,6 Mà một trong những tác nhân gây bệnh được liệt kê là ít có khả năng được bất thường thường xuyên như là một nguyên nhân gây ra nhiễm trùng cơ hội ở những bệnh nhân bị trầm cảm qua trung gian tế bào miễn dịch gây ra bởi điều trị ức chế miễn dịch mãn tính? | Page 514 B. Potentiation of cell-mediated immunity C. Potentiation of humoral immunity D. Potentiation of humoral immunity and inhibition of viral replication E. Potentiation of cellular immunity and inhibition of viral replication Which one of the listed infectious agents is LEAST likely to be unusually frequent as a cause of opportunistic infections in patients with depression of cell-mediated immunity caused by chronic immunosuppressive therapy A. Pneumocystis carinii B. Aspergillus fumigatus C. Staphylococcus aureus D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis E. Herpes zoster virus Which of the following immunomodulatory drugs down-regulates the expression of cell adhesion molecules on endothelial surfaces proximal to an inflammatory site A. Aspirin B. Cyclophosphamide C. Ibuprofen D. Indomethacin E. Prednisolone Which of the following therapies is indicated in a child with humoral immunodeficiency A. Dialyzable leukocyte extract B. Thymosin C. Interleukin-2 D. Intravenous gammaglobulin E. Interferon-g Which one of the following biological response modifiers would be indicated in a patient with agranulocytosis A. GM-CSF B. Interferon-g C. Interleukin-3 D. Interleukin-8 E. Transfer factor The pursuit of chemotherapy regimens with a steroid-sparing effect is motivated by the A. Need to increase the doses of steroids for more complete immunosuppression B. Need to avoid side effects associated to high dosages of steroids C. The synergism between steroids and cytotoxic drugs D. Protective effect that steroids have relative to the side effects of cytotoxic drugs E. Protective effect that cytotoxic drugs have relative to the side effects of steroids Answers A Cyclosporine A binds to cyclophilin and the complex prevents the activation of calcineurin. Because of the inactivation of calcineurin NFkB remains Page 515 phosphorylated does not translocate to the nucleus and the activation pathway leading to IL-2 synthesis is interrupted. E All the .