Môn học đặc tính của bịnh, xây dựng mà không có sự trợ giúp của công nghệ hình ảnh bây giờ chúng ta đưa cho các cấp, vẫn còn có liên quan ngày hôm nay (5). Mặc dù làm việc sâu sắc của Durand-đồ nặng, tài khoản lịch sử của VAD thường bắt đầu với hàng loạt các trường hợp được mô tả | 282 Libon et al. This nosology constructed without the aid of imaging technology we now take for granted is still relevant today 5 . Despite Durand-Fardel s insightful work historical accounts of VaD often begin with the small series of cases described by Binswanger in 1884 6 7 . Binswanger suggested that WMA were caused by vascular insufficiency that could impair mental functioning. He coined the term encephalitis subcorticalis chronica progressiva to describe this syndrome 6 7 . Microscopic information regarding these patients was never published nonetheless in 1902 Alzheimer 8 made observations that substantiated Binswanger s findings. Case descriptions provided by Olszewski 9 and Caplan and Schoene 10 have supported the clinical and neuropathological observations of both Binswanger and Alzheimer. Throughout most of the 20th century dementia associated with arteriosclerosis was believed to cause widespread cortical atrophy secondary to an attenuation of brain perfusion. Hachinski and colleagues 11 12 proved that this was not true and introduced the term of multiinfarct dementia MID . However after Hachinski s seminal work the term MID was used to denote almost all presentations of VaD. Indeed until the introduction of the diagnostic criteria from the Alzheimer s Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Centers ADDTC 13 and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke-Association Internationale pour la Recherche et l Enseignement en Neurosciences NINDS-AIREN criteria 14 Hachinski s Ischemic Scale 11 12 was the convention by which MID or VaD was typically defined. Until recently Binswanger s disease or dementia associated with subcortical WMAs was viewed as a rather obscure illness or even marginalized as an epiphenomenon. Newer research is changing this perception but many questions remain. Our current interest in VaD in general and subcortical WMA in particular owes a substantial debt to French neurological science. Many of these original observations have .