tailieunhanh - UI-OSF Application Platform Profile for Japanese Environment

In some tropical shrimp-fishing grounds, turtles are relatively abundant and so may be captured incidentally and drown in the shrimp-trawls. Some countries have already taken action to mitigate the problem of turtle by-catch, and the use of the turtle-exclusion devices (TEDs) is for instance compulsory in tropical shrimp-fisheries in the USA as well as in other countries which wish to export shrimp to the USA but have problems with turtle by-catch. Australia has also introduced TEDs in some of its shrimp fisheries. In some cases the use of TEDs is reported to reduce the catch-rates both of shrimp and of. | UI-OSF Application Platform Profile for Japanese Environment Version May 21 1993 UI-OSF Japanese Localization Group Forward This document is an Application Platform Profile that specifies options parameters and extensions to assure portability of applications which support Japanese on operating systems conforming to ISO POSIX standards ISO IEC 9945-1 and ISO IEC DIS 9945-2 such as UNIX operating system and OSF 1. The Japanese locale specified by this document will be registered in X Open s locale registry. Copyright 1993 UI-OSF Japanese Localization Group Permission to use copy and distribute this documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted that that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appears in supporting documentation and that the name UI-OSF Japanese Localization Group not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software of this documentation for any purpose. It is provided as is without express or implied warranty. _ UI-OSF JAPANESE LOCALIZATION GROUP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENTATION INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS IN NO EVENT SHALL UI-OSF JAPANESE LOCALIZATION GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE Bata or profits whether in an ACTION OF CONTRACT NEGLIGENCE OF OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF PERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCUMENTATION. NOTE This document was translated from the master edition which is written in Japanese. And this document was made as an abridged translation. If there are some ambiguous things in this English edition and any clarifications are needed the Japanese edition must be referred. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories Inc. in the and other countries. OSF and OSF 1 are trademarks of the Open Software Foundation Inc. X