tailieunhanh - Black Women’s Health: A Synthesis of Health Research Relevant to Black Nova Scotians
The definition of gender roles is so central in Afghan society and culture, that any perceived or planned changes require consultations not only with the household but also with the larger community. Men and women to a large extent share the same cultural ethos and values, including their conception of gender roles, and they seek to validate these within their communities. Years of turmoil have furthermore left communities to their own devices, strengthening the inherent distrust of external authorities and increased reliance upon conservative values. The remarkable social cohesion, which has brought the Afghan population through the years of turmoil with less scars than could be expected,. | Maritime avnyE1 v 7 r Ị EXCELLENCE i J 71 Li AOMEN S rV HEALTH Promoting social change through policy-based research in women s health Black Women s Health A Synthesis of Health Research Relevant to Black Nova Scotians Josephine Enang RM RN IBCLC MN Health Association of African Canadians formerly the Black Women s Health Network With support from Susan Edmonds DCC RN Health Association of African Canadians Carol Amaratunga PhD Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women s Health Yvonne Atwell Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women s Health With editorial assistance from Susan Rolston MA September 2001 IWK Health Centre Production of this document has been made possible by a financial contribution from the Population and Public Health Branch Atlantic Region Health Canada. This document expresses the views and opinions of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official policy or opinion of the Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women s Health or Health Canada. Copyright is shared between the authors and the MCEWH 2001. z z PO Box 3070 Maritime UNIXES Halifax Nova Scotia F ỈEXCELLENCE i J ST. B3J 3G9 Canada ----zz------ fi rM omIN S T Telephone 902-420-6725 F Jr Toll-free 1-888-658-1112 Fax 902-420-6752 The Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women s Health is supported by Dalhousie University the IWK Health Centre the Women s Health Bureau of Health Canada and through generous anonymous contributions. mcewh@ mcewh Contents Acknowledgments. iii Executive Summary . v Summary of the Research Project . 1 Goals and Objectives of the Research . 1 Historical Context and Historical Context .2 Health Association of African Canadians .3 Methodology .3 Literature Review . 3 Researcher Consultations . 4 Workshop .4 Research Findings . 4 Access to Health Services . 5 Location of Services and Transportation. 5 Language Barriers .5 Racism .6 .
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