Although it is commonly perceived that support provided through the trade distortive Boxes (Amber, Blue and S&D) can also serve environmental and rural development objectives, the Green Box is the tool in the AoA which can be used to address agri-environmental and rural development aspects in an only minimally trade distorting manner. With respect to the accessibility to the Box, principally the same rules apply to both developed and developing countries. Therefore it can be said that both developed and developing are currently on equal footing under AoA rules as far as not more than minimally trade- distorting support pursuing conservation and rural development objectives is concerned | UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME PROJECT DOCUMENT SECTION 1 - PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title of Sub-Programme Sub-programme Title of Project Reduction of Environmental Impact from Tropical Shrimp Trawling through the Introduction of By-catch Reduction Technologies and Change of Management Project Number GF FAO Symbol EP GLO 201 GEF Geographical Scope Global Implementing Agency UNEP Executing Agency FAO Duration of the Project Five years Commencing February 2002 Completion January 2007 Cost of Project US Cost to Trust Fund GEF 4 780 000 52 Cost to Counterpart Contribution countries 3 250 000 35 Cost to the Implementing Organization UNEP in kind 110 000 2 Cost to the Executing Organisation FAO in kind 1 010 000 11 Total Cost of the Project 9 150 000 100 Signatures For the Food and Agriculture Organization FAO For the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP Henri Carsalade Assistant Director-General Technical Cooperation Department TCD Date Edmundo Ortega Chief Budget and Fund Management Unit UNON Date __ Page 1 3 31 2004 1. IDENTIFIERS PROJECT Number Project Name Title EP GLO 201 GEF Reduction of environmental impact from tropical shrimp trawling through the INTRODUCTION OF BY-CATCH REDUCTION TECHNOLOGIES AND CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. DURATION IMPLEMENTING Agency Executing Agency Requesting Countries 5 years UNEP FAO Cameroon Colombia Costa Rica CUBA INDONESIA IRAN MEXICO NIGERIA Philippines VENEZUELA Trinidad and Tobago plus Bahrain 1 Eligibility GEF Focal Area GEF PROGRAMMING FRAMEWORK All 11 COUNTRIES Eligible under paragraph 9 b of the GEF Instrument International waters with relevance to Biological Diversity Operational program 9 INTEGRATED LAND AND WATER Multiple focal area 2. SUMMARY Shrimp exploitation by tropical trawl fisheries generates significant amounts of non-shrimp by-catch. In some countries by-catch has become an important source of income and contributes to food supply. In others .