tailieunhanh - Overview of environment and health programmes and projects including synthesis and recommendations

Aimed at shedding light on the possible options for developing countries to make use of agri- environmental and rural development measures within the framework of the WTO, this paper surveys those programs used in the Quad that are considered non or at most minimally trade distorting, non-discriminatory and otherwise consistent with current WTO rules. Furthermore, it tries to illustrate the possible outcomes in the ongoing negotiations in the WTO on the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) from a developing country viewpoint, related to the types of mechanisms surveyed above. . | Coordination of national environment and health research programmes ERA-ENVHEALTH DX Overview of environment and health programmes and projects including synthesis and recommendations Report on E H projects and programmes landscape and Framework for joint activities related to E H research within the partner countries February 2010 SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME The research leading to these results has received fundingfrom the European Community s Seventh Framework Programme FP7 2007-2013 under grant agreement n 219 337. This publication reflects only the author s views and the Community is not liable for any use that may be made ofthe information contained therein. ERA-ENVHEALTH Grant Agreement 219 337 ERA-ENVHEALTH Grant agreement number 219337 CSA Coordination Action WP1 Information Exchange describing the E H research landscape for transnational research Task Information collection and description of current programmes projects Deliverable D Final overview of programmes and projects including synthesis and recommendations Deliverable leaders UBA and UVZ Umweltbundesamt Federal Environment Agency FG II Geschaftsstelle Aktionsprogramm Umwelt und Gesundheit Corrensplatz 1 14195 Berlin GERMANY Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic Department of Environment and Health Trnavska cesta 52 826 45 Bratislava SLOVAKIA Umwelt Bundes Amt @ Fur Mensch und Umwelt ŨRAD VEREỊNÉHO ZDRAVOTNKTVA SLOVENSKEJ REPUB L KY 2 The ERA-ENVHEALTH project is co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. ERA-ENVHEALTH Grant agreement number 219337 CSA Coordination Action CONTENTS List of List of List of Executive 1. 2. Aim of this 3. Data processing methodology and Data and information Definitions and general .