tailieunhanh - Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie No.2 2009
Midwives work closely with obstetric and GP colleagues to deliver maternity care for women, and increasingly with maternity support workers/maternity care assistants, health visitors/public health practitioners, social care colleagues and specialist workers to respond to the complex health and social needs of some women and their families. Crucial to the success of such partnership working is timely and effective communication. Poor communication and ineffective team working have been found to be underlying causes of substandard care, in particular a failure to share important information between professionals including GPs, the maternity team and social services5. Good communication is fundamental to multidisciplinary working and it is imperative that each member of the. | Journal fur Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologi e - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology - Andrologie Embryologie Biologie Endokrinologie Ethik Recht Genetik Gynakologie Kontrazeption Psychosomatik Reproduktionsmedizin Urologie Contraception and Thrombophilia - A statement from the German Society of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine DGGEF e. V. and the Professional Association of the German Gynaecologists BVF e. V. Rabe T Luxembourg B Ludwig M Dinger JC Bauersachs R Rott H Mueck AO Albring C J. Reproduktionsmed. Endokrinol 2011 8 Sonderheft 1 178-218 repromedizin Online-Datenbank mit Autoren- und Stichwortsuche Offizielles Organ AGRBM BRZ DIR DVR DGA DGGEF DGRM EFA OEGRM SRBM DGE Indexed in EMBASE Excerpta Medica Member of the isl Krause Pachernegg GmbH Verlag fur Medizin und Wirtschaft A-3003 Gablitz NEUES AUS DEM VERLAG Besuchen Sie unsere zeitschrifteniibergreifende Datenbank mit zahlreichen Artikeln Fallberichten und Abbildungen -teilweise durch Videoclips unterstijtzt yf El Bilddatenbank yj E Artikeldatenbank yf El Fallberichte Krause Rachernegg GmbH VERLAG for MEDIZIN und WIRTSCHAFT A-3003 Gablitz Besuchen Sie die aktuellen Berichte uber ỹ Medizinprodukte und Labortechnik Contraception and Thrombophilia - A statement from the German Society for Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine DGGEF . and the Professional Association of German Gynaecologists BVF . T. Rabe1 B. Luxembourg2 M. Ludwig3 J. Dinger4 R. Bauersachs5 H. Rott6 A. O. Mueck7 C. Albring8 Venous thromboembolism VTE is responsible for more than half a million deaths annually in the European Union most in older people following surgery but some in women of reproductive age using various hormonal contraceptives. In some parts of the population inherited defects of the blood coagulation system factor V Leiden prothrombin G20210A protein C protein S and antithrombin deficiency are responsible for an increased risk of VTE which is also .
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