tailieunhanh - Women`s Health Network: State of Affairs, Concepts, Approaches, Organizations in the Health Movement

In response to such changes we need a multifaceted, multi-agency approach based on strengthening individuals, families and communities, while at the same time improving the infrastructure and access to services. Midwives and midwifery services have a particular part to play in this. We could go a long way to achieving improvements in health and social outcomes by giving more people, particularly women and children, better life chances8. Midwives play a vital role as core professionals in the multidisciplinary maternity team, working with a range of colleagues including obstetricians, GPs, health visitors/public health practitioners and maternity support workers/maternity care assistants. The quality of care that women, babies and families receive during pregnancy, birth. | EWHNET European Women s Health Network Women s Health Network State of Affairs Concepts Approaches Organizations in the Health Movement Country Report Italy September 2000 EWHNET is a project in the fourth Medium-Term Community Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men 1996 - 2001 and is financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs Seniors Women and Youth BMFSFJ . Editor Laura Corradi University of California Authors Laura Corradi Giovanna Viccarelli Paola Vinay Anna Maria Gioacchini Romana Prosperi Porta Elvira Reale Where to order Ute Sonntag Landesvereinigung fur Gesundheit Niedersachsen . Fenskeweg 2 30165 Hanover Germany phone 00 49 511 350 00 52 fax 00 49 511 350 55 95 e-mail Copyright No portion of the contents may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the contributors of this issue. All rights reserved. The following texts reflect the author s views. The commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained in that publication. Hanover September 2000 Contents 1. A Brief 2. The Italian Health System An The institutional Ways of The organization and the provision of Territorial The population s state of Morbidity and perception of health . 9 3. The Italian model of health protection and the role of Models of health systems in the EU Member The Italian Model of The role of women in the implementation of the Italian Health The role of the women s movement and of female 4. Women Movements for Health in 5. Women and Cancer Activism in 6. Women in health professions and new perspectives in The role of women in health and their method of The status of the Italian .