tailieunhanh - Implementation of New Accounting,,Standards of the United States Washington _part6

THÔNG TIN Hoa Kỳ. Quản lý thông tin Chính phủ cho năm kết thúc tháng chín (chưa kiểm toán) Khi mua lại, "Stewardshi, tài sản p" đang được coi là chi phí trong báo cáo tài chính. Phần này cung cấp thêm thông tin chi tiết quản lý, các nguồn lực này để làm nổi bật lợi ích lâu dài của họ và để chứng minh trách nhiệm. Thông tin này tạo điều kiện cho sự hiểu biết của tl, hoạt động điện tử và điều kiện tài chính của Chính phủ | Stewardship Information 49 United States Government Stewardship Information for the Year Ended September 30 1998 Unaudited Stewardship Assets The Federal Government holds Stewardship assets for the benefit of the Nation. Because the Government has been entrusted with and made accountable for these resources and responsibilities they are recognized in the Financial Report of the United States Government. When acquired Stewardship assets are treated as expenses in the financial statements. This section provides more detailed stewardship information on these resources to highlight their long-term benefit and to demonstrate accountability. This information facilitates the understanding of the operations and financial condition of the Government. National Defense Assets The Department of Defense DOD owns and uses National defense assets to accomplish military missions such as war operations short of war training peacekeeping and supporting civilian authorities during civil emergencies. _ The Department of 116V1V11V111VX6__ Defense DOD owns and These assets divide into two categories weapons uses National defense systems and support principal end items. Weapon assets to accomplish . military missions such as war operations short of war training peacekeepingand supporting civilian . authorities during civil emergencies. systems refer to military equipment that launch release cany or fire ordnance and or equipment that carries weapon systems related property equipment material or personnel. Support principal end items consist of items acquired to support weapon systems that ultimately may be incorporated into weapon systems. Examples of these items include aircraft engines tank engines aircraft radar ship sonar uninstalled missile motors missile control panels gun mounts gun tuưets and guidance systems. This is trial version 50 Stewardship Information National Defense Assets cont. The DOD s property systems infor- fied or upgraded appropriate assets. At .