tailieunhanh - Implementation of New Accounting,,Standards of the United States Washington _part4

CashDisbursement Activitv Một số tổ chức lớn không có hiệu quả reconcilingcashdisburseare ments. Thesereconciliationsare dự định là một phím điều khiển để phát hiện andcorrecterrors sai sót trọng yếu andother financialrecordsin một cách kịp thời tương tự như trong sổ séc conceptto individualsreconcilingpersonal với một bank'srecordseachmonth. | General Accounting Office Report B-282041 Ĩ11J rĩ m ĩĩĩL_ niiĩLM Cash Disbursement Activity Several major agencies are not effectively reconciling cash disbursements. These reconciliations are intended to be a key control to detect and correct errors and other misstatements in financial records in a timely manner similar in concept to individuals reconciling personal checkbooks with a bank s records each month. There continued to be billions of dollars of unresolved gross differences between agencies and Treasury records of cash disbursements as of the end of fiscal year 1998. As a result the government is unable to ensure that all disbursements are properly recorded. Improperly recorded disbursements could result in misstatements in the financial statements and in certain data provided by agencies for inclusion in the President s budget concerning fiscal year 1998 obligations and outlays. Preparation of Financial Statements The government does not have sufficient systems controls or procedures to properly prepare financial statements for the . government. Such deficiencies described below impair the government s ability to 1 properly balance the government s financial statements and account for billions of dollars of transactions between governmental entities 2 properly and consistently compile the information in the financial statements and 3 effectively reconcile the results of operations reported in the financial statements with budget results. Unreconciled Transactions. To make the financial statements balance Treasury recorded a net 24 billion item on the Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Position which it labeled unreconciled transactions. Treasury attributes this net out-of-balance amount to the government s inability to properly identify and eliminate transactions between federal government entities and to agency adjustments that affected net position. Certain intragovemmental accounts do not reconcile by a total of more than 250 billion. .