tailieunhanh - Implementation of New Accounting,,Standards of the United States Washington _part2

Thực hiện kế toán mới, StandarcJs Ngoài ra, tiêu chuẩn hiệu quả cho lần đầu tiên trong năm 1998, yêu cầu hiện tại dịch vụ giám định thông tin shotiing, bộ hướng ngắn hạn và meWhile FASAB hoàn thành công việc dium-Thuật ngữ "của proon hiện một thiết lập cơ bản, các tiêu chuẩn kế toán gram. , C, ui, vào năm 1996, một số tiêu chuẩn đã notlbe việc trình bày actual'receipt đến hiệu quả cho đến khi tài chính i 998. dữ liệu kinh phí cho tất cả các chương trình và các tiêu chuẩn ngày càng trở. | DISCUSSION AND Analysis 5 Implementation of New Accounting Standards While the FASAB completed work on a basic set of accounting standards in 1996 some standards did not become effective until fiscal 1998. Standards becoming effective in fiscal 1998 require that the value of national defense assets be removed from the Balance Sheet and that information about these assets be reported in the Stewardship Information section of the Financial Report. These assets were valued at billion when reported on the fiscal 1997 Balance Sheet. FASAB has initiated a project to identify and research user information needs for national defense assets. In addition standards effective for the first time in 1998 require current services assessment information showing both the short-term and medium-term direction of current programs. The current services assessment presents actual receipt and outlay data for all programs for the year for which the financial statements are prepared the base year and estimates for 6 years subsequent to the base year. This assessment will thus facilitate evaluation of the sufficiency of future resources to sustain public services and to meet current and future obligations as they become due. Standards becoming effective in future years requữe reporting of an nual Federal expenses for stewardship investments which include Noh-Federal physical property the Federal investment in properties owned by State and local gov-emments . highways and airports . Human capital investments in education and training programs financed by the . Government for the benefit of the public. Research and development the . Government s investments in basic and applied research and development. The annual expense related to these investments included in the Statement of Net Cost will be separately identified in the Stewardship Information section. TTinm TTmimmrr Economic arid Budgetary Results Very strong economic growth continued through fiscal 1998. The Asian .