tailieunhanh - Tài liệu Đề thi toeic số 10

Tài liệu tham khảo và tuyển tập đề thi toeic dành cho các bạn đang theo học môn tiếng anh luyện tập chuẩn bị cho các kì thi ngoại ngữ. chúc các bạn ôn tập tốt đạt kết quả cao trong các kỳ thi tiếng anh sắp tới | ÔH Ẽ 2009 4 SXH9 2 a N3BH 101. The government s ------- to curb imports from Europe will have an enormous impact on the local economy. A decide B deciding C has decided D decision 102. Please make sure that this package gets to Mr. Lipinski by 7 o clock tomorrow morning before he leaves ------ India in order to attend the annual computer conference. A at B to C for D over 103. Customer service associates need to assure upset customers that the company --------- every effort to resolve the problem. A have made B has been made C to make D will make 104. Since it is difficult to learn the specifications for all of the products on ------- we have a reference chart available for new employees. A yours B yourself C your own D you 105. In order to-----company image the company is trying to develop a variety of products using recycled materials. A enhance B enlarge C enclose D enable 106. All attendees are encouraged to-----review the agenda before the annual medical conference begins. A readily B visibly C briefly D scarcely 107. The Prima Theatre cancelled its Wednesday performance -------Mr. Triby had to make alternative arrangements for visiting partners. A so B furthermore C as D though 108. An-------investment of ten thousand dollars will be needed for overhead personnel and building rental. A initiate B initiating C initiates D initial 109. ----- to his employment at Crown Tech Ms. Abubakr was self-employed as a financial consultant. A Beforehand B Earlier C Advanced D Prior 110. The -----from the latest analysis suggest that consumer spending is finally on the rise. A results B states C deductions D products 111. Please remember that even unpleasant customers should be spoken to--------at all times. A polite B politely C politeness D more polite 112. ----- the company been warned of the possibility of a hostile takeover the board of directors would have taken extra measures to prevent it. A Should B Would C Had D Could 113. Sam Walker would be--------for the job .