tailieunhanh - Building skills for the TOEFL IBT 2

Use the prepositions which are missing from these sentences to complete the crossword. Sometimes, the sentence can be completed with more than one preposition, but only one of them will fit correctly in the crossword grid. Task 2. SIZE Look at the following list of words and decide whether they can be used to describe something which is big or something which is small. Write each word in its appropriate box. | Building skills for the TOEFLIBT 2 Practice 2 - Personal Preference. iv- ihfcvA- .- Au v -f a step 1 Read and think about the prompt below. While at university is it better to take courses in many different fields or to take many courses in the same field Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. The sentences below make up a response to the prompt above. Read the sentences and underline any transitions you find. A I am certain that I would get tired of constantly studying the same thing even if it was something l really liked. B I Will be able to learn about new things C I think it is better to take many different courses at university. D In addition . will be able to meet people who have different interests than me. E First it is an opportunity to gain a lot of knowledge. different not the. same as another thing opportunity a chance to do something gain to. get as a result of one s efforts select to choose something certain doubt READING LISTENING IjSmWiMl WRITING PRACTICE TEST Look at the sentences again. Think of the role of each sentence in the response. Put the sentences in the right order. Independent speaking Test Questions 1 and 2 381 Do NOT look at the sentences in step 1. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the speaker s opinion on whether it is better to take courses in many different fields or many courses in the same field while at university 2. What is one reason the speaker gives for having this opinion 3. What is another reason the spe aker gives for having this opinion Using the short answers you wrote above try to speak for 60 seconds explaining the speaker s response. Use the words and phrases below while you are speaking. Time yourself and record the time below. as even if in addition about while to Response 1 Speaking time seconds step 3 f Now listen to a sample response. How is this response different from yours What parts of the response can you use in your own Write down any helpful expressions used in the