tailieunhanh - Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Macronutrients in tree stems and foliage: a comparative study of six temperate forest species planted at the same sites"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp đề tài: Macronutrients in tree stems and foliage: a comparative study of six temperate forest species planted at the same sites. | Ann. For. Sci. 61 2004 489-498 INRA EDP Sciences 2004 DOI forest 2004043 489 Original article Macronutrients in tree stems and foliage a comparative study of six temperate forest species planted at the same sites Anna HAGEN-THORNa Kestutis ARMOLAITISb Ingeborg CALLESENc Ingrid STJERNQUISTa a Lund University Department of plant Ecology and Systematics Ecology Building 223 62 Lund Sweden b Lithuanian Forest Research Institute Liep0 1 Girionys 4312 Lithuania c Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute H0rsholm Kongevej 11 2970 H0rsholm Denmark Received 21 July 2003 accepted 19 December 2003 Abstract - Common European tree species oak ash beech birch lime and spruce planted in adjacent stands on six sites were compared in terms of macronutrient concentrations in foliar and stem wood including bark biomass. The nutrient concentrations in both biomass compartments were much more dependent on species than on site although soil conditions differed between the sites. Differences between species regarding stem wood nutrient concentrations only partly corresponded to the differences in species foliage. The concentrations in spruce were considerably lower than in deciduous species except P in foliage and Ca in both stem wood and foliar biomass. Differences were also observed between the deciduous species both regarding foliar and stem wood nutrient concentrations. The differences should be considered when modelling nutrient circulation in forest stands and when evaluating the long-term sustainability of forest management. nutrient hardwood Norway spruce stemwood foliage Résumé - Elements minéraux dans le tronc et le feuillage une étude comparative de six essences tempérées plantées sur les mêmes sites. Les essences européennes communes chêne frêne hêtre bouleau tilleul et épicéa commun plantées dans des parcelles adjacentes sur six sites ont été comparées en termes de concentrations en macro-éléments minéraux dans la biomasse foliaire et dans le tronc écorce y .