Main technical issues to be resolved before greater implementation of aluminum alloys in ship structures include weld quality since these alloys are more difficult to weld relative to steel and that shipyards typically have limited experience in these alloys. In terms of mechanical properties, aluminum alloys generally exhibit lower fatigue strength when compared to steel. As-welded fatigue properties can be as low as 6 to 7 ksi (Czyryca et al 2006). Regarding design, it is known that the undermatched HAZ near welds in aluminum structures may accumulate plastic strains much faster than the rest of the structure, and may have. | NASA SP-5978 01 BASA-SP-5978 01 FABRICATION N74-34000 TECHNOLOGY A COMPILATION Technology Utilization NASA 26 p HC CSCL 13H Unclas G1 15_ 49411 J TECHNOLOGY UTILIZATION FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY A COMPILATION NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Foreword The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Atomic Energy Commission have established a Technology Utilization Program for the dissemination of information on technological developments which have potential utility outside the aerospace and nuclear communities. By encouraging multiple application of the results of its research and development NASA and AEC earns for the public an increased return on the investment in aerospace research and development programs. This document is intended to supply such technical information. The Compilation is divided into two sections the first deals with techniques of assembling diverse components into functional assemblies and subassemblies and the second presents several fasteners and fastening techniques that join components subassemblies and complete assemblies to achieve a functional unit. The second section features quickdisconnect fasteners several interesting devices and methods for attaching sophisticated thermal insulators and ways of joining and separating objects in the absence of gravity. Additional technical information on individual devices and techniques can be requested by circling the appropriate number on the Reader Service Card enclosed in this Compilation. The latest patent information available at the final preparation of this Compilation is presented on the page following the last article in the text. For those innovations on which NASA and AEC have decided not to apply for a patent. A Patent Statement is not included. Potential users of items described herein should consult the cognizant organization for updated patent information at that time. We appreciate comment by readers and welcome hearing about the relevance and utility of .
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