tailieunhanh - Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing_7

Tham khảo tài liệu 'springer series in advanced manufacturing_7', khoa học xã hội, kinh tế chính trị phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Process Alignment Maturity in Changing Organisations 171 companies and even in small ones. Indeed the constraints of budget and resources to drive the project are even stronger than in a big group. The compromises on project scope are thus even more necessary and lead to much differentiated situations. That can lead to a situation where a purchase service is operational with the ERP but unable to use completely the approval process of proposal orders because the supply function is not under the control of the ERP. A model of maturity throughout the whole organisation can help to identify in a clear way the priorities of actions according to the functions or the sites in a consistent way with the pursued global objectives and local capabilities. The Temporal Heterogeneousness The quality of the use of the ERP also has to take into account the learning curve and more generally the learning dynamics of the organisation including the possible regression of maturity previously acquired. This can be the consequence of the loss of competence due to changes of staff in a weak or even non-existing knowledge management process. The maturity is never an acquired fact never a static and structural characteristic of an organisation. It is necessarily changing with the company in its whole life cycle taking into account market trend and the positioning of the company the technological cycles and their innovations breaks the transformation of the logistical and financial and commercial networks into which the company operates. Figure shows such a maturity history. During the stabilisation phase following the initial project the maturity of the organisation grows through practical experience but can decline after an extension of functional scope which disrupts stabilised processes or after deployment on a new site or entity. This dynamics of the organisation is a stake for the implementation phases itself. The failure of the ERP project at the DELL group was primarly .