tailieunhanh - Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing_4

Tham khảo tài liệu 'springer series in advanced manufacturing_4', khoa học xã hội, kinh tế chính trị phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 104 S. Le Loarne and A. Becuwe devised by Aldrich and Fiol 1994 and 3 the typology of strategies that organisations can develop to gain maintain and repair legitimacy. Suchman s Contribution to the Definition of Legitimacy the Development of a Broad an Inclusive Definition Suchman observes that many definitions have been put forward to describe the concept of legitimacy. They all share one common characteristic they identify a correlation between the unspoken recognition of something - the organisation etc. - by a community and socio-cultural values that are shared by each member of that community. In order to circumscribe all of the definitions given to the concept Suchman defines legitimacy as follows Definition 1. Legitimacy is a generalised perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable proper or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms values beliefs and definitions Suchman 1995 574 . Suchman s Contribution to Aldrich and Fiol s Typology a Theoretical Construct for a Better Understanding of the Concept of Legitimacy Much of the literature published on the topic of legitimacy post-1995 attributes the paternity of this typology to Suchman. However Suchman himself acknowledged that this typology was developed by Aldrich and Fiol 1994 . In fact his literature review substantiates the typology put forward by Aldrich and Fiol. The literature reveals three types of legitimacy that external audiences may grant to an organisation an interest-based pragmatic legitimacy a value-oriented moral legitimacy and a culturally-focused cognitive legitimacy. These are summarised in Table and discussed below. Table . Types of organisational legitimacy by Suchman 1995 Type Definition Normative legitimacy Organisation reflects acceptable and desirable norms standards and values. Pragmatic legitimacy Organisation fulfils needs and interests of its stakeholders and constituents. Cognitive legitimacy Organisation pursues