tailieunhanh - Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing_1

Hệ thống ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) là xương sống của hệ thống thông tin trong các tổ chức khu vực công cộng và tư nhân. Tuy nhiên, khó khăn vẫn còn. Cuốn sách này cung cấp một cái nhìn sâu sắc độc đáo và toàn diện vào hệ thống ERP, từ cả một xã hội và quan điểm kỹ thuật. | Integrative Technologies in the Workplace 37 From Paper to Screen Analysing the Change that Organisational Members Experienced Now that we have described the operation of the clerical work as well as the amplitude of the changes brought about by computerisation we will now analyse this data in order to answer our research questions8. We seek to understand the nature of the regularities as well as the manner in which they are configured in the documents conveyed by paper and computer documents. We will employ the concept of artefact syntax to grasp the dimensions of change associated with the arrival of the electronic documents produced by the COMPTA program. Articulating Regularities Within the Artefacts Themselves Starting from our empirical data we have attempted like Hutchins did for his study on navigation to characterise the nature of the work as well as the regularity of the artefacts used in the carrying out of everyday activities. The clerical work consists of taking note of the type of accommodation chosen by the patient as well as the parties who will pay for this service sending out account statements receiving funds to pay for accommodation and finally keeping records of all of these operations. To identify regularities which in the case of the clerks are not tied to repetitions of natural cycles we drew on documents from before and after computerisation in order to identify the criteria chosen for bringing together this information. Thus the ensemble of the clerks activities and the regularities follow a transactional logic where two parties enter into relation with each other to carry out an exchange of goods or services for financial compensation. The regularities brought together in these artefacts answer to a series of questions tied to the characteristics of a transaction Who What How much When More specifically these regularities allow us to take into account the identities of the parties engaged in the transaction as well as the nature