tailieunhanh - báo cáo khoa học: "The recent introduction of a 1/29 chromosome translocation in South African Brahman cattle"

Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: The recent introduction of a 1/29 chromosome translocation in South African Brahman cattle | Génét. Sél. Evol. 1988 20 2 239-246 Note The recent introduction of a 1 29 chromosome translocation in South African Brahman cattle . NEL . HARRIS . WEIERMANS and . MEYER Animal and Dairy Science Research Institute Private Bag X2 Irene 1675 Republic of South Africa Summary A 1 29 chromosome translocation was found in a Brahman bull in artificial insemination service. In the subsequent investigation it was established that most of the semen produced had been sold to commercial breeders. An extended pedigree showed that the translocation was introduced into South Africa by cattle imported from the USA. The anomaly was absent in a random sample of unrelated Brahman cattle. Key words cattle Brahman chromosome abnormality translocation. Resume L introduction récente d une translocation chromosomique H29 chez des bovins Brahman d Afrique du Sud Une translocation chromosomique 1 29 a été détectée chez un Brahman d insemination artificielle. Des recherches ultérieurès ont établi que sa semence avait été pour la plus grande part vendue à des élevages commerciaux. Une recherche généalogique a montré que la translocation avait été introduite en Afrique du Sud à 1 occasion d une importation de bovins en provenance des Etats-Unis d Amerique. L anomalie n a pas été retrouvée dans un échantillon aléatoire de bovins Brahman non apparentés. Mots clés bovin Brahman anomalie chromosomique translocation. I. Introduction During routine cytogenetic screening a Brahman bull from the Artificial Insemination Al Co-operative was found to be a 1 29 heterozygote translocation carrier. At that time this three year old bull had been in service for approximately 18 months and 14 000 doses of frozen semen had already been sold. The distribution was widespread as the Co-operative is the sole commercial supplier of cattle semen in South Africa. 240 . NEL et al. In view of the importance of this anomaly in world cattle production Gustavsson 1969 1979 Popescu 1977 the discovery of .