tailieunhanh - báo cáo khoa học: " Position of the Phi and Po2 loci in the Hal linkage group in pigs"
Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành y học dành cho các bạn tham khảo đề tài: Position of the Phi and Po2 loci in the Hal linkage group in pigs | Genet. Sei. Evol. 1989 21 119-125 Elsevier INRA 119 Original article Position of the Phi and Po2 loci in the Hal linkage group in pigs p. Vôgeli Si Institute of Animal Sciences Breeding Section Federal Institute of Technology ETH CH-8092 Zurich Switzerland received 17 May 1988 accepted 8 October 1988 Summary Families of Swiss Landrace 165 litters with 1348 offspring were tested for halothane sensitivity A-O S H Phi PGD and Po2 phenotypes. Informative matings for the determination of the gene sequence of these linked loci were selected. Recombinations were observed between Phi-Hal Phi-H and H-Po2. On the basis of these results the most likely ordeiof loci is Hal-Phi-H. Confirmation for a locus for genes for Po2 separate from the locus for H is presented. The location of Po2 is between H and Pgd. A gene order S-Hal-Phi-H-Po2-Pgd is proposed. pig - linkage group - S-Hal-Phl-H-Po2-Pgd - halothane sensitivity - gene order Résumé La position des loci Phi at Po2 dans le groupe de liaison S Hal Phí H Po2 Pgd des pores. Des families de Pore amélioré suisse 165 portốes avec 1348 descendants ont été tes-tées pour la sensibllité à I halothane ainsi que pour les phénotypes A-0 S H PHI PGD et Po2. Des accouplements informatifs pour determiner I ordre de ces loci liés ont ốtó sólectionnés. Des recombinaisons ont été trouvées entre Phi-Hal Phi-H et H-Po2. Ces résultats ontpermis de préci-ser la position du locus Phi dans le groupe de liaison. L ordre le plus probable des loci est Hal-Phi-H. Ces données confirment que les gèties Po2 et H se situent à deux loci distincts. Po2 se situe entre H ef Pgd. En conclusion estprõposé ỉordre génique S-Hal-Phi-H-Po2-Pgd. pores - groupe de liaison - S-HaFPhl-H-Po2-Pgd - sensìbìlìté à halothane - ordre de loci Introduction The linkage between the H blood group locus and the loci for the variants of 6-phospho-gluconate dehydrogenase Pgd and phosphohexose isomerase Phi was first described by Andresen 1971 . Rasmusen Christian 1976 reported an .
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