tailieunhanh - Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Characterizing fertility targets and multi-element interactions in nursery culture of Quercus rubra seedlings"
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp Original article đề tài:"Characterizing fertility targets and multi-element interactions in nursery culture of Quercus rubra seedlings" | Ann. For. Sci. 63 2006 231- 237 231 INRA EDP Sciences 2006 DOI forest 2006001 Original article Characterizing fertility targets and multi-element interactions in nursery culture of Quercus rubra seedlings K. Francis Salifu Douglass F. Jacobs Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Purdue University West Lafayette IN 47907-2061 USA Received 26 October 2005 accepted 17 January 2006 Abstract - We quantified and characterized fertility targets for nursery culture of container northern red oak Quercus rubra L. seedlings. Plants were supplied with a 15N-5P2O5-15K2O fertilizer at eight rates ranging from 0-150 mg N plant-1 and reared for 18 wk in a greenhouse. Plant growth and nutritional response to increased fertilization followed a curvilinear pattern depicting phases that ranged from deficiency to toxicity. Seedling dry mass production was maximized at sufficiency 25 mg N plan 1 season-1 while optimum N and P uptake occurred at 100 mg N plant-1 season-1. The 150 mg N plant-1 seasonal dose rate induced N and P toxicity but resulted in antagonistic K interaction. Nutrient loading raised plant N and P contents by 27 and 55 . This new approach demonstrates promise to help refine fertility targets for nursery production of Q. rubra planting stock and may have application to other hardwood species or cultural systems. antagonistic interaction exponential fertilization growth luxury uptake northern red oak vector diagnosis Résumé - Caractérisation des objectifs de fertilite et des interactions multiéléments chez des semis de Quercus rubra cultivés en pépinière. Des objectifs de fertilite ont été quantifies et caractérisés pour des semis de chêne rouge d Amerique Quercus rubra L. cultivés en pépinière. Les semis ont été alimentés avec un engrais 15N-5P2O5-15K2O selon huit taux de 0-150 mg N plant-1 et ont poussés pendant 18 semaines dans une serre. La croissance des semis leur réponse nutritionnelle à un .
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