tailieunhanh - Universe a grand tour of modern science Phần 6

Các tiến bộ về kỹ thuật quan sát thiên văn trong thế kỷ 20 đã mở ra một loạt khám phá về các vật thể kỳ lạ trong vũ trụ (như các sao trong giai đoạn phát triển khác nhau), về cấu trúc vĩ mô của vũ trụ (gồm các sao tụ tập trong các thiên hà và các nhóm thiên hà), và đặc biệt là xu thế giãn nở của vũ trụ, quan sát bởi Edwin Hubble. | HIGH-SPEED TRAVEL - cense of special relativity r coi non T HE CHEAP CIGARS with which the young Albert Einstein surrounded himself in a smoky haze were truly dreadful. If he gave you one you ditched it surreptitiously in Bern s Aare River. So when Einstein went home to his wife and son in the little flat on Kramgasse after a diligent day as a technical officer third class at Switzerland s patent office he spent his evenings putting the greybeards of physics right about the fundamentals of their subject. That was how he sought fame fortune and a better cigar. In March 1905 a few days after his 26th birthday he explained the photoelectric effect of particles of light in a paper that would eventually win him a Nobel Prize. By May he had proved the reality of atoms and molecules in explaining why fine pollen grains dance about in water. He then pointed out previously unrecognized effects of high-speed travel in his paper on the special theory of relativity which he finished in June. In September he sent in a postscript saying by the way E mc2. Retrospectively Louis de Broglie in Paris called Einstein s results that year blazing rockets which in the dark of the night suddenly cast a brief but powerful illumination over an immense unknown region. All four papers appeared in quick succession in Annalen der Physik but the physics community was slow to react. The patent office promoted Einstein to technical officer second class and he continued there for another four years before being appointed an associate professor at Zurich. Only then had he the time and space to think seriously about spacetime gravity and the general theory of relativity which would be his masterpiece. The much simpler idea of special relativity still comes as a nasty shock to students and non-scientists long after the annus mirabilis of 1905. Schoolteachers persist in instilling pre-Einsteinian physics first in the belief that it is simpler and more in keeping with common sense. That is despite .