tailieunhanh - modular tooling and tool management 29
The modular tooling concept was developed by cutting tool manufacturers from the long-standing tooling cartridges (Fig. 112 – indicates a typical self-contained cartridge), which had been previously available for many years. Initially, the modular tooling was designed and developed for turning operations (Fig. 113) and was demonstrably shown to offer amazing versatility to a whole range of machine tools and, not just the CNC versions. The point that the tooling is a key element in the whole manufacturing process was not lost when in the early 1980’s the United States Government commissioned a ‘Machine Tool Task Force Survey’ on machine. | 6 Modular Tooling and Tool Management A place for everything and everything in its place SAMUEL SMILES 1812 - 1904 In Thrift Chap. 5 ứ 212 Chapter 6 Modular Quick-Change Tooling Introduction The modular tooling concept was developed by cutting tool manufacturers from the long-standing tooling cartridges Fig. 112 - indicates a typical self-contained cartridge which had been previously available for many years. Initially the modular tooling was designed and developed for turning operations Fig. 113 and was demonstrably shown to offer amazing versatility to a whole range of machine tools and not just the CNC versions. The point that the tooling is a key element in the whole manufacturing process was not lost when in the early 1980 s the United States Government commissioned a Machine Tool Task Force Survey on machine tools and tooling to determine the their actual utilisa- tion level. Here the US findings compared favourably with a similar survey undertaken in Germany some years later. It was a surprising fact that on average only between 700 to 800 hours per annum were spent actually adding-value by machining operations on components. This particular outcome becomes even more bizarre when one considers that the theoretically available annual loading time for a machine tool of 364 days x 24 hours per day yielded a potential machine tool availability of 8736 hours - representing a meagre 8 as actual cutting time. This 8 value is shown on the diagram in Fig. 114a where an attempt has been made to identify and show actual individual blocks of time allocated to both shift-wastage and nonproductive time. This massive potential machine tool availability is further compounded when one considers the rapid advances in both machine and cutting tool developments of late Fig. 114b where tool utilisation time and in particular the lead-times would significantly benefit from using a modular quick-change tooling strategy. Figure 112. Microbore adjustable modular cartridges with
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