tailieunhanh - 1GA Report to the Congress December 1988 FINANCIAL AUDIT Federal Home Loan Banks 1987_part3

Thông tin bổ sung Comblnrnq Informatron Tiền mặt và do từ các ngân hàng Invertmentr Advancer thành viên vay được đảm bảo bởi Cơ quan Phát triển Internatonal, vay ròng khác ngân hàng cho vay liên bang khoản cho vay liên bang Savlngr và Loan, 1 "r" rrnce Corporatron Các khoản lãi recervable premrses tlank và equrpment, đầu tư ròng tôi "và advancer Federal Home Loan Mortgage Carporatron Cor ~ cerrronr obllgatlons conrolldated trái phiếu Cleferred phí . | Financial Statements WITH SUPPLEMENTAL COMBINING INFORMATION giCIMgELJJ. 1985_JV- _ In thousands of dollars Supplẹmẹntal Combining Information . ASSETS Dallas Topeka San Francisco Seattle Cash and due from banks 123 761 38 305 136 827 25 189 Inves tments 2 600 153 502 066 3 814 753 1 486 150 Advances to members Loans guaranteed by Agency for International Development net 8 788 981 4 479 740 28 6 693 777 Loans to other Federal Home Loan Banks Loans to Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation 280 000 420 000 50 000 Accrued interest receivable 149 595 76 464 87 746 80 061 Bank premises and equipment net Investment in and advances to Federal 11 814 1 252 14 991 2 672 Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Concessions on consolidated 10 200 5 850 26 850 5 850 obi 1gations - bonds Deferred charges - Federal Home 5 611 3 661 21 815 5 448 Loan Bank Board assessments 1 960 1 423 6 145 1 190 Other assets _ M53 _ 363 Total assets LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL LIABILITIES Deposits ta Members - time 84 826 562 554 3 106 875 169 986 Members - demand . Total deposits Borrowings 3 719 933 1 544 555 Other FHLBanks Other borrowings 175 000 235 000 243 000 120 000 Total borrowings 741 571 .120 000 Accrued interest payable Consolidated obligations Bonds 002 3 283 380 21 263 512 621 Discount notes Less Pass-throughs to FHLMC 1 466 845 2411316 4 412 972 1 284 560 FHLBanks Participations 25 Other 11abi11 ties __i7i 287 40 770 164 851 Total liabilities CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS CAPITAL Capital stock outstanding 377 . 344 100 par value Retained earnings 766x765 2 Legal reserve 122 091 69 962 265 204 Dividend stabilization reserve 45 064 13332 21367 33 641 Undivided profits 34x654 Total retained earnings .