tailieunhanh - Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems- P50

Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems- P50: This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. | 466 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems semantic anchoring is defined by model transformation rules expressed in the UMT Unified Model Transformation language of the GReAT tool suite 26 . In UMT model transformations are expressed as graph transformations that can be executed in interpreted and or compiled form by the GReAT tool. In summary semantic anchoring specifies DSML behavioral semantics by the operational semantics of selected semantic units defined in ASML and by the transformation rules defined in UMT . The integrated tool suite enables the simulation of domain models defined in a DSML according to their reference semantics by automatically translating them into ASML data models using the transformation rules. In the rest of this section we show the process of semantic anchoring using a simple example. Readers can refer for detailed discussion about the use of the semantic anchoring tool suite in specifying a TASU in 9 and for specifying semantics for a complex DSML by composing several semantic units in 11 . Semantic Anchoring Example Timed Automata Timed Automata 2 3 model the behavior of real-time systems over the progression of time. This formalism extends the definition of state-based transition systems to include a finite set of real-valued clocks that synchronously progress time. The enabling of transitions is further restricted using constraints over the clock valuations and transitions can specify a set of clocks to reset to zero upon firing. Timed automata have previously been defined within the semantic anchoring framework 9 however the semantic unit included many features to provide semantic equivalences to other versions of timed automata modeling languages . UPPAAL 4 and IF 37 . The proposed TASU specified here is intended to be simple while capturing all the basic facilities of the original timed automata model. In the AsmL semantic definition the structures mimic the abstract constructs of the behavioral formalism. The first