When a drug is manufactured, it keeps its potency, or strength, for only a certain time. That time is different for each drug. After that time, the drug’s chemical composition starts to change and the drug weakens or deteriorates. It can no longer have the intended health effect. The change is slow, but certain. The drug’s expiration date is the time when its chemical composition will be too weak to help. Most of the chemical changes in a drug are not dangerous in themselves. But some are. That’s another reason why using a drug before its expiration date is crucial. These. | MAGICAL MEDICINE HOW TO MAKE A DISEASE DISAPPEAR Background to consideration of and quotations from the Manuals for the Medical Research Council s PACE Trial of behavioural interventions for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Myalgic Encephalomyelitis together with evidence that such interventions are unlikely to be effective and may even be contra-indicated the belief that ME CFS is a psychological illness is the error of our time . The Complexities of Diagnosis. Byron Hyde. In Handbook of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Ed Leonard A Jason et al. John Wiley Sons inc. 2003 .to assign someone to the wrong category on the basis of a false understanding of the nature of the illness and its context is an example of a well-known phenomenon which psychologists term fundamental attribution error Dr Derek Pheby InterAction 2009 69 16-17 Does XMRV prove once and for all that ME CFS is not a psychological or psychosomatic illness as described by those who don t understand the disease Absolutely Actually there are thousands of research articles showing the very real biological problems that ME CFS patients experience. Only the most stubborn and misinformed individuals refuse to believe that this disease is real and serious Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease October 2009. http xmrv xmrv Scientists could be on the brink of a breakthrough. That would - at least - go some way to compensating for the shameful manner in which sufferers were treated for so long by the medical profession Leading Article Independent 9th October 2009 I hope you are not saying that ME CFS patients are not as ill as HIV patients. I split my clinical time between the two illnesses and I can tell you that if I had to choose between the two illnesses in 2009 I would rather have HIV Nancy Klimas one of the world s foremost AIDS and ME CFS physicians Professor of Medicine and Immunology University of Miami New York Times 15th October 2009 Malcolm Hooper With contributions from .