tailieunhanh - Two Phase Flow Phase Change and Numerical Modeling Part 14

Tham khảo tài liệu 'two phase flow phase change and numerical modeling part 14', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 380 Two Phase Flow Phase Change and Numerical Modeling Fig. 14. Mass flux G as a function of qH with parameter Lhzp 2H2C . L m D m H m B m Lhi LH2 Lci Lc2 m Lhip Lcip Lc2P m Fig. 15. Mass flux G as a function of qH with Lc2 as a parameter 2H2C . m D m H m B m Lhi LH2 Lci m Lhip Lh2p Lcip Lc2P m The effect of width B of the loop on the mass flux is given in Fig. 17. If the height H of the loop is constant the mass flux decreases with the increasing width B of the loop due to the increasing frictional pressure drop. No change of the gravitational pressure drop is observed because the height H of the loop is constant. The effect of heat flux ratio qH1 qH9 on the mass flux G versus qH for the steady-state conditions is presented in Fig. 18. The mass flux increases with increasing of heat flux ratio Thi Th New Variants to Theoretical Investigations of Thermosyphon Loop 381 Fig. 16. Mass flux G as a function of qH with Lc p as a parameter 2H2C . L m D m H m B m Lhi LH2 Lci Lc2 m Lhip Lh2p Lcip m Fig. 17. Mass flux G as a function of qH with parameter B width of the loop 2H2C . D m H m Lhi Lh2 Lci Lc2 m Lhip Lh2p Lcip Lc2P m The effect of heat flux ratio qcl qc- on the mass flux G versus qH for the steady-state conditions is presented in Fig. 19. The mass flux increases with increasing of heat flux ratio dci dc