Gaston QUẬN, NORTH CAROLINA THUYẾT MINH BÁO CÁO TÀI CHÍNH CƠ BẢN CHO NĂM KẾT THÚC 30 tháng 6 năm 2008 Trong báo cáo quỹ chính phủ tài chính, đặt phòng hoặc hạn chế tồn quỹ đại diện cho số lượng mà không phải là appropriable hoặc hợp pháp tách biệt cho một mục đích cụ thể | GASTON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTES TO BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 2008 In the governmental fund financial statements reservations or restrictions of fund balance represent amounts that are not appropriable or are legally segregated for a specific purpose. Designations of fund balance represent tentative management plans that are subject to change. State law . 159-l3 b 16 restricts the appropriation of fund balance to an amount not to exceed the sum of cash and investments minus the sum of liabilities encumbrances and deferred revenues arising from cash receipts as those amounts stand at the close of the fiscal year proceeding the budget year. The governmental fund types classify fund balances as follows Reserved Reserved for inventories and prepaids - represents the portion of fund balance not available for appropriation because it represents the year-end balance of inventories and prepaid items which are not expendable available resources. Reserved for encumbrances - represents the portion of fund balance available to pay for any commitments related to purchase orders and contracts which remain unperformed at year-end. Reserved by State statute - represents the portion of fund balance in addition to reserves for encumbrances and reserves for inventories which is not available for appropriation under State law . 159-8 a . This amount is usually comprised of accounts receivable and interfund receivables which are not offset by deferred revenues. Reserved for Medicaid maximization - represents unexpended funds at fiscal year-end for the Gaston County Health Department that are required to be utilized in the area in which they were earned. Reserved for Gaston County Schools capital projects - represents net unexpended half-cent sales tax revenue which is required to be expended on school capital outlays. Reserved for Gaston County Schools bonds - represents unexpended proceeds of general obligation school bonds. Reserved for Gaston .