tailieunhanh - Validation of Communications Systems with SDL phần 8

Tàu SDL Suite Validator Cho phép giả sử chúng ta sử dụng chế độ thăm dò nhà nước-bit. 1. Không kích hoạt chế độ Advanced, nơi mà tất cả các loại của các sự kiện có cùng một ưu tiên. 2. Sử dụng các lệnh định nghĩa "Max-đầu vào-Port-Dài hạn chế số lượng tín hiệu trong mỗi hàng đợi đầu vào quá trình (mặc định là hai). 3. Đối với mỗi tự động tạo ra | Exhaustive Simulation 201 MSC bug_exh3 process process Block DLCa Block DLCa process Block DLCb Figure Last steps of the error MSC trace A. Exit from the Validator answering No to the question . B. In Windows or Unix make a copy of the file into . C. In process DLC page part2 insert a coma followed by L_DataReq in the input containing L_ReleaseReq previously added as illustrated in Figure . D. Save the SDL model. aa pres waitUAdisc V76frame V76para d ELSE LRelease L_DataReq DLCstopped me Figure After adding input of signal L_DataReq Run the exhaustive simulation A. In the Organizer select the SDL system V76test and press the Validate Id button. B. In the Validator select Commands Include Command Script and choose . C. Press on List Signal and check that you get the same signals as previously. D. In the Validator select Options2 Exhaustive Depth and enter 30. 202 Validation of Communications Systems with SDL E. Press on Exhaustive the Validator displays Starting exhaustive exploration Search depth 30 Exhaustive exploration statistics No of reports 3 Generated states 8425 Truncated paths 1708. Unique system states 6856. Size of hash table 100000 400000 bytes Current depth -1 Max depth 30 Min state size 212 Max state size 572 Symbol coverage The exhaustive simulation has stopped and found 6856 unique system states note that more states would have been found if the search depth was not limited to 30 . The Report Viewer appears showing that the only reports are three MaxQueueLength the default limit of three signals in some process input queues has been exceeded. This is normal more details are provided later. In the 6856 explored global states of the SDL model we are sure that we have no errors and no deadlocks. However the global states not yet explored by the Simulator may contain errors. Millions of states detect output to Null Now to test more features in the SDL model we use a larger model .