The most frequently used method in the literature is via indirect estimates from observed expenditure data, building on Pissarides and Weber (1989), who use food expenditure survey data to estimate the underreporting of British self-employed. The consumption-based method- ology has been applied in a host of settings (Lyssiotou, Pashardes and Stengos (2004), Feldman and Slemrod (2007), Gorodnichenko, Martinez-Vazquez and Sabirianova (2009), Braguinsky, Mityakov and Liscovich (2010)). 5Although recently Hurst, Li, and Pugsley (2011) show that people underreport their income in surveys, adding to the selection complications of the survey method, our methodological contribution is about applicability, not necessarily about improv- ing on selection issues. The private data method provides. | January 2011 NFIB Research Hie Voice of Small Business I Foundation Financing Small Businesses Small Business and Credit Access The NFIB Research Foundation is a small business-oriented research and information organization affiliated with the National Federation of Independent Business the nation s largest small and independent business advocacy organization. Located in Washington DC the Foundation s primary purpose is to explore the policy-related problems small business owners encounter. Its periodic reports include Small Business Economic Trends Small Business Problems and Priorities and now the National Small Business Poll. The Foundation also publishes ad hoc reports on issues of concern to small business owners. January 2011 The Voice of Small Business irounuaaon Financing Small Businesses Small Business and Credit Access William J. Dennis Jr. NFIB Research .
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