tailieunhanh - options the secret life of steve jobs phần 1

lời khen ngợi cho tùy chọn $ "Bạn sẽ có được cảm giác Lyons trồng spycam trong một trong những loài rùa mô hình của ông Jobs." New York Times "chính trị không chính xác và mát mẻ. . . . Tùy chọn xiên Silicon Valley với chạm Bonfire Vanities, Dilbert, và trả thù của các Nerds "-San Francisco Chronicle" Một romp. "Los Angeles Times | Hilarious. New York Times We now have a voice for our own digital age. oPtion the secret life of Steve jobs a parody by Daniel Lyons . Fake Steve Jobs praise for oPtion You get the feeling Lyons planted a spycam in one of Mr. Jobs s mock turtles. New York Times Politically incorrect and breezy. . . . Options skewers Silicon Valley with touches of Bonfire of the Vanities Dilbert and Revenge of the Nerds. San Francisco Chronicle A romp. Los Angeles Times A funny send-up of Apple s CEO the go-go culture of Silicon Valley and the cult of Mac iPhone and iPod. Boston Globe In the establishment-skewering tradition of Voltaire Cervantes Jonathan Swift and Laurence funny. The book is hilarious. Peppered with deft comic the real Steve Jobs might want to pick it up for a quick self-enlightening way to pass some time on the Jobs Jet. New York Times Book Review A gleeful send-up of the real Steve Jobs set amid the recent stock options backdating scandal. Tech industry watchers who know or know of the players will get a kick out of seeing them skewered. Publishers Weekly Takes to a new level Lyons s depth of understanding of all things Steve Jobs and stretches his Steve Jobs voice to a place the blog could never ll chuckle and snort and you ll laugh at the over-the-top whimsy that IS Steve Jobs. s TechCheck blog From between the plot lines of Options bubbles a raw honest look at Silicon Valley culture. . . . Fake Steve s ruthless inner monologues about those around him ring truer than most nonfiction profiles of tech s movers and shakers. By inserting himself into Steve Jobs s mythical oversize shoes Mr. Lyons has exposed the entertaining humanity behind the machines. Wall Street .