Chắc chắn tất cả mọi người hy vọng cho những thay đổi đó sẽ làm cho anh ta phong phú hơn. Nhiều trường hợp làm cho nó xuất hiện cái cũ và truyền thống, quen thuộc, là một lợi thế mới. như vậy quyết định các chi phí khối lượng rất nhiều. Hơn nữa, nó sẽ làm cho cuộc đối đầu cuối cùng vẫn còn khó khăn hơn, | The Causes of the Economic Crisis An Address 157 production precisely because entrepreneurs and capitalists must consider the profitability of their enterprises. An economy based on private ownership of the factors of production becomes meaningful through the market. The market operates by shifting the height of prices so that again and again demand and supply will tend to coincide. If demand for a good goes up then its price rises and this price rise leads to an increase in supply. Entrepreneurs try to produce those goods the sale of which offers them the highest possible gain. They expand production of any particular item up to the point at which it ceases to be profitable. If the entrepreneur produces only those goods whose sale gives promise of yielding a profit this means that they are producing no commodities for the manufacture of which labor and capital goods must be used which are needed for the manufacture of other commodities more urgently desired by consumers. In the final analysis it is the consumers who decide what shall be produced and how. The law of the market compels entrepreneurs and capitalists to obey the orders of consumers and to fulfill their wishes with the least expenditure of time labor and capital goods. Competition on the market sees to it that entrepreneurs and capitalists who are not up to this task will lose their position of control over the production process. If they cannot survive in competition that is in satisfying the wishes of consumers cheaper and better then they suffer losses which diminish their importance in the economic process. If they do not soon correct the shortcomings in the management of their enterprise and capital investment they are eliminated completely through the loss of their capital and entrepreneurial position. Henceforth they must be content as employees with a more modest role and reduced income. 3. Production for Consumption The law of the market applies to labor also. Like other factors of production