cấu trúc và nó là nó có thể có hiệu quả thông chỉ bằng cách loại bỏ các khiếm khuyết cấu trúc. Câu trả lời này và lập luận tương tự vốn có trong Lý Thuyết Số lượng và Luật Gresham. Lý thuyết Số lượng chứng minh rằng trong một quốc gia trong đó sử dụng tiền hàng hóa, | Stabilization of the Monetary Unit From the Viewpoint of Theory 47 for the exchange rates of foreign If it is desired to raise the foreign exchange rate or to keep it from declining further one must try to establish a favorable balance of payments. The basic fallacy in this theory is that it completely ignores the fact that the height of imports and exports depends primarily on prices. Neither imports nor exports are undertaken out of caprice or just for fun. They are undertaken to carry on a profitable trade that is to earn money from the differences in prices on either side. Thus imports or exports are carried on until price differences disappear. The balance of payments doctrine of foreign exchange rates completely overlooks the meaning of prices for the international movement of goods. It proceeds erroneously from the act of payment instead of from the business transaction itself. That is a result of the pseudo-legal monetary theory a theory which has brought the most cruel consequences to German science the theory which looks on money as a means of payment only and not as a general medium of exchange. When deciding to undertake a business transaction a merchant does not ignore the costs of obtaining the necessary foreign currency until the time when the payment actually comes due. A merchant who proceeded in this way would not long remain a merchant. The merchant takes the ratio of foreign currency very much into account in his calculations as he always has an eye to the selling price. Also whether he hedges against future changes in the exchange rate or whether he bears the risk himself of shifts in foreign currency values he considers the anticipated fluctuations in foreign exchange. The same situation prevails mutatis mutandis with reference to tourist traffic and international freight. 30For the sake of completeness only it should be mentioned that the adherents of this theory attribute domestic price increases not to the inflation but to the