tailieunhanh - the bastiat collection volume 2 phần 5

tuyệt vời trong cuộc cách mạng tháng Hai. Trường hợp xã hội bao gồm nhiều loại, chúng ta có khuynh hướng nghĩ rằng những người cấp bậc cao nhất được hưởng đặc quyền hoặc độc quyền tại các chi phí của tất cả các thành viên khác trong cộng đồng. Điều này là ghê tởm, nhưng nó không phải là vô lý. Lớp thứ hai, lớp ngay dưới đầu tiên, sẽ không thất bại | Harmonies of Political Economy Book One 237 they exclaim with one voice Here is the wealth that is available to the Proprietor. As property includes nothing but value and as value expresses only a relation it follows that property itself is only a relation. When the public on the inspection of two inventories pronounces one man to be richer than another it is not meant to say that the relative amount of the two properties is indicative of the relative absolute wealth of the two men or the amount of enjoyments they can command. There enters into positive satisfactions and enjoyments a certain amount of common and gratuitous utility that alters this proportion very much. As regards the light of day the air we breathe the heat of the sun all men are equal and Inequality as indicative of a difference in property or value has reference only to onerous utility. Now I have often said and I shall probably have occasion frequently to repeat the remark for it is the finest and most striking although perhaps the least understood of the social harmonies and includes all the others that it is of the essence of progress and indeed in this alone progress consists to transform onerous into gratuitous utility to diminish value without diminishing utility to permit each individual to procure the same things with less effort either to make or to remunerate to increase continually the mass of things that are common and the enjoyment of which being distributed in a uniform manner among all effaces by degrees the Inequality that results from difference of fortune. We must not omit to analyze very carefully the result of this mechanism. In contemplating the phenomena of the social world how often have I had occasion to feel the profound justice of Rousseau s saying II faut beaucoup de philosophie pour observer ce quon voit tous les jours It is difficult to observe accurately what we see every day Custom that veil that blinds the eyes of the common and which the attentive observer cannot