tailieunhanh - What You Need to Know to Close Every Sale Selling Power_3

Tham khảo tài liệu 'what you need to know to close every sale selling power_3', khoa học xã hội, kinh tế chính trị phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | MASTERING THE ESSENTIALS OF SALES ACTION TIP Like an architect drawing his vision of a building sketch out your vision of success. Keep that vision in your wallet as a reminder. Many successful businesses were created based on a few basic ideas written on a cocktail napkin. Question. Are you just dreaming of success Many people dream big dreams and get excited by possibilities but stop short of taking action. Just this week a salesman told me he dreamed of earning 300 000 within the next five years but he has no idea how to make it happen. 2. The plan. In 1499 the Italian genius Leonardo da Vinci studied birds in flight and drew sketches of glider planes. He created a detailed drawing of a flying machine that resembled a helicopter. Leonardo da Vinci had great vision but his immediate environment could not use his plans. Question. Are you merely planning for your success Unless your vision is aligned with the capabilities of your team your best plans will only collect dust. A savvy sales manager once told me A plan is only as good as your team s ability to act on it. 3. The model. In 1899 the Wright brothers studied the flight of hawks and built their first biplane kite. The glider plane served as the model for developing adjustable wings to control basic flight movements. In December 1903 Orville and Wilbur Wright s motorized plane flew 852 feet and achieved worldwide fame. 108 MASTERING THE ESSENTIALS OF SALES Question. Do you launch a new sales plan before making sure it will fly For example it is not uncommon for sales managers to purchase notebook computers and off-the-shelf software for their entire sales force without testing it on a small group of salespeople first. Remember to perform at your best begin with a successful test. 4. The space shuttle. In 1981 the first space shuttle skyrocketed into orbit. To take off the shuttle s million pounds has to defy the law of gravity. With the help of booster rockets the space shuttle reaches an altitude of 150