tailieunhanh - Business planning and financial modeling for microfinance insti phần 3

Để đánh giá các đối thủ cạnh tranh của tổ chức phải đối mặt, ACODEP chuẩn bị một ma trận đơn giản cho mỗi văn phòng chi nhánh tóm tắt những đặc điểm chính của đối thủ cạnh tranh chính của nó. Trên trục thẳng đứng, nó được liệt kê của các đối thủ cạnh tranh chính. Trên trục ngang, nó được liệt kê đặc điểm chính của mỗi tổ chức, bao gồm cả phương pháp cho vay, | 36 Business Planning and Financial Modeling for Microfinance Institutions a Handbook FAQ 2 How can the User-Defined Sheet be used to customize Microfin The worksheets and overall structure of Microfin are protected to ensure that errors are not introduced in the model through accidental modification of the formulas. Although necessary because of Microfin s complexity the protection of the model may limit its usefulness to experienced spreadsheet developers. To allow users to design additional features for the model a User-Defined Sheet is therefore included near the end of the workbook. This sheet is fully unprotected and can be used for example to develop a summarized report format that extracts information from elsewhere in the model. The sheet can also be used to generate supplemental calculations that can then be fed back into the model such as a complex calculation of taxes that does not easily fit into the single input line on the Head Office page. A sophisticated tax calculation section could be developed on the sheet that draws on key outputs from elsewhere in the model such as total assets and specific income and expense lines then applies the tax formula to generate the amount of taxes owed. A simple formula could then be entered in the tax input line that references this derived calculation on the User-Defined Sheet. Text continues on next page range of financing sources will have greater data requirements than those with few sources. It is best to have one person responsible for ensuring that the necessary information is available when work with the model begins particularly when scheduling group time to develop projections. See annex 3 for a list of all the data required to complete the model grouped by the page on which the information is input. Installing and starting Microfin See annex 1 for information on the hardware and software requirements for Microfin and instructions for installing the model from the installation disk and starting it .