tailieunhanh - Magic bullets phần 3

giai đoạn của mô hình là các mục tiêu thực tế trung gian và các biện pháp tiến bộ của bạn. Như vậy, "bao xa" bạn với một người phụ nữ không phải là nhiều về việc liệu cô ấy hôn bạn hoặc có bao nhiêu ngày bạn đã được, nhưng bạn đang ở đâu trong mô hình. Đó là không phải là một quá trình hoàn toàn tuyến tính | Version 2007 OVERVIEW Of THE MODEL MAGIC BULLETS Adding these three phases creates the full Emotional Progression Model The Emotional Progression Model 1. Opening Chapter 5 2. Transitioning Chapter 6 3. Attraction Chapter 7 4. Qualification Chapter 8 5. Comfort Chapter 9 6. Seduction Chapter 10 7. Relationship Chapter 11 InsiGHTS The stages of the model are actual intermediate goals and measures of your progress. Thus how far along you are with a woman isn t as much about whether she kissed you or how many dates you ve been on but where you are in the model. It s not a strictly linear process - Attraction overlaps a bit into Qualification both Attraction and Qualification bleed into Comfort and the Relationship phase done properly starts in Comfort as well - but the phases are essentially sequential. The general overall linearity of the Emotional Progression Model yields five big insights 1. Attraction comes before Qualification. Make a woman attracted to you before showing significant interest in her. 2. Attraction comes before Comfort. Make a woman attracted to you before looking for commonalities deep conversations etc. 3. Qualification comes before Comfort Have a woman work to win your interest before opening up to each other. 4. Comfort comes before Seduction Help a woman feel connected to you before progressing sexually. 41 2007 MAGIC BULLETS Version 1-0 2007 OVERVIEW Of THE MODEL 5. Seduction comes before Relationships i Whatever you want with a woman your medium-term goal is to sleep with her. The last of these might be surprising. A common insight into female sexual behavior is that women will often delay sex for some time with a man she sees as a potential boyfriend while satisfying physical needs with another man or other men in the meantime. While this is true it does not mean that the man who is dating and waiting has the best chance of becoming her boyfriend. Very little builds as much intimacy with a woman as repeated .